Still Hooked on UX After 23 Years

October 20, 2024

Reflecting on the excitement of working closely with clients in UX design after 23 years in the industry.

A person writing "User Testing" on a wall

Still Rolling Up My Sleeves After 23 Years in UX (And Loving Every Minute of It)

You’d think after 23 years in UX design, I’d be tired of it by now, right? Nope. Still excited. Still nerding out over design challenges like it’s day one. The truth is, I’m probably more pumped now than I was back then, and let me tell you why—working one-on-one with clients never gets old. There’s just something about rolling up my sleeves and diving into a project that gets my creative juices flowing. I guess you could say it’s kind of my jam.

The Power of One-on-One Engagement

I’ve learned something over the years—getting up close and personal (professionally, of course) with clients is where the magic happens. When you’re face-to-face, or, you know, Zoom-to-Zoom these days, you really get to know them—their business, their goals, and yes, even their wildest dreams (well, the business ones). You can’t replace that level of connection with a brief or a quick email.

That’s where the collaboration gets really fun. You bounce ideas off each other, you get to hear the “oh, that’s awesome!” moments live, and sometimes, the “uhhh... let’s rethink that” ones, too. But it’s all part of creating something that really works. And let’s be real—when you nail it and they’re all stoked about what you’ve built together, there’s no better feeling.

Every Project is a Learning Experience (Even After 23 Years)

Here’s the thing: even after all these years, I’m still learning something new on every project. The industry’s always changing, and I love that I get to grow right along with it. From back in the day when websites were basically glorified business cards to now, where UX is driving full-on personalized, AI-powered experiences, the landscape has shifted like crazy. And I’m here for it.

Each client brings something different to the table. Whether it’s a fresh challenge, a unique perspective, or a killer idea I would’ve never thought of—there’s always something new to discover. I swear, sometimes the most innovative solutions come out of those “wait, what if we tried this?” moments in a meeting. It’s like a never-ending puzzle, and I’m that guy who can’t stop until I’ve figured out how all the pieces fit.

The High of Celebrating Success Together

And when it all comes together? Oh man, that’s the good stuff. There’s nothing like that moment when a client sees the final product, and it’s exactly (or sometimes better than) what they envisioned. It’s like watching someone’s eyes light up when they realize their dream just turned into a reality—and I got to be a part of it. That’s the payoff.

We celebrate those wins together because it’s not just my design, it’s our collaboration. And yeah, there might be a virtual high-five involved (because real-life high-fives are apparently outdated now).

Looking Forward to What’s Next

Here’s the bottom line: even after 23 years, I’m not slowing down. Not even close. I’m still fired up about UX design, still loving the problem-solving, the creativity, and the chance to work side by side with clients who trust me to bring their ideas to life. As long as I’ve got that, I’m all in.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, let’s keep the good times (and great designs) rolling.

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